Sunglasses Repair

Sunglasses Repair

A Trusted Sunglasses Repair Shop Near You

Eyeglass Repair USA is trusted sunglasses repair shop near you. “Near You” means you can easily order your repair online from anywhere in the USA. We can fix all kinds of frames, no matter the lens material or design. Our skilled technicians are well-prepared to handle various frame-related problems, whether it’s metal, plastic, titanium, or any other material. Your sunglasses will be in good hands!

Select the category below that closely aligns with the appearance and style of your sunglasses frame. Once you proceed to the next page, you will have the opportunity to choose your desired repair option.


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Metal Frame Repair

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Half Metal Frame Repair

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Rimless Frame Repairs

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Plastic Frame Repair

Why Sunglasses Frame Repair?

Replacing a beloved pair of sunglasses can be a pricey affair, often costing hundreds of dollars.

With a team of skilled craftsmen and cutting-edge laser weld technology, Eyeglass Repair USA stands out as the superior choice for restoring and repairing sunglasses.

It’s worth noting that we do not stock brand-specific parts.

Some Popular Sunglasses Repairs

Here are some common repairs for all eyewear.

Plastic Nosepads
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Replace Nose Pads
Hinge Rebuild Plastic - Left
Plasti Hinge rebuild R B - Sunglasses Repair
Hinge Rebuild Plastic - Left
Replace Screw (1)
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If you are uncertain about the specific repair you require, we recommend visiting the link below and uploading an image. By doing so, our team will be able to assess the issue and promptly provide you with a detailed quote.

Client Testimonials

Discover what our valued customers are saying about their experience with our exceptional eyeglass repair services. We take pride in the positive feedback we receive, and we’d like to share some of their testimonials with you:


“I’m writing now to say, Wow! What great service. I only sent the glasses out on Thursday for overnight afternoon delivery. So imagine my surprise and delight when I arrived at the office this morning to find them back here. Thanks so much! I’ll certainly recommend you to anyone in the future that I run across who needs frames repaired.”

Peter Veeravalli

“Excellent and cost effective service, with a quick turnaround. All you need to determine the repair and cost is on website so no surprises! Highly recommended repair service.”

Cookers H

“Excellent from start to finish. The nose arm broke off of my sunglasses when I try to adjust it. Turn around from start to finish was only 10 days to process, repair and return my RayBan sunglasses. Would definitely recommend.”

Hernan Quinodoz

“Fantastic service! My broken glasses now look and feel like new. Very fast turnaround too: I got them back in less than a week. Would definitely recommend them and go back if need be.”


Need a Lens Repair Instead?

When it comes to lens repair, we understand the importance of finding reliable experts who can restore your eyeglasses to their optimal condition. Visit our friends at Replace A Lens. A network of trusted professionals in the field of lens repair. Replace A Lens are renowned for their expertise, precision, and commitment to delivering exceptional results. They possess extensive knowledge in handling various lens types, including single vision, bifocals, progressive lenses, and more. With their meticulous attention to detail, they can address common issues like scratches, cracks, or even lens replacement efficiently.


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